Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

SNSD Tiffany meaning name

T - Toughtful
I - Incredible
F - Fantastic
F - Funny
A - Alive
N - Nice
Y - Young

tips to overcome abdominal fat

1. Expand the Drinking Water
If abdominal bloating caused by water retention, you can handle it by drinking more. Increase your intake of between 6-8 glasses of water a day. Drink plenty of water can dilute the concentration of sodium in the body thereby increasing the amount of water released from the system.

Drinking more water also makes the kidneys to function effectively, ridding the body of waste products. Do not replace water with diet drinks because many contain sorbitol, which is a natural sweetener that is difficult to digest and can cause bloating.

2. Eat Slowly
Avoid eating quickly, because when you swallow too quickly, at least half a liter of air can be trapped in the intestines and then the gas will be formed in the intestine, causing bloating. Try to sit down to eat.

According to Professor Robert Allen, the British Federation of Gastroenterologists, the food is not chewed into small pieces will be difficult to be digested and metabolized by bacteria that produce excess gas that causes bloating.

Avoid chewing gum and smoking because of excess air is also swallowed up in this way. According to the Digestive Disorders Foundation, bloating can also be caused by the consumption of fat-rich foods that prolong gastric emptying.

3. Reduce Salt Intake
Too much salt in your diet will add extra sodium in the body fluids thereby inhibiting water discharge mechanism of the body's cells. As a result, fat cells with water, causing the stomach feel full and bloated. Most adults only need 1600 mg of sodium per day - equivalent to about 4 grams of salt or less than a teaspoon.

Try different spices in your food, instead. Avoid processed meats, chips and takeaway food. If you find it difficult to reduce salt intake, you should consume plenty of foods rich in potassium, such as bananas and avocados, to help offset water retention caused by excessive sodium intake.

4. Choose the Right Fiber
Increase your intake of soluble fiber from fiber-rich fruits such as apples, pears, or fruit that has a high water content. Fiber is needed to absorb water in the intestine in order to help prevent the contraction of the stomach.

But avoid nuts. According to Roy Pounder, Professor of Medicine at the Royal Free Hospital London, pulses are not absorbed in the colon, but broken down by naturally occurring bacteria that actually produces the wind.

5. Avoid Constipation
Distended stomach can be caused by constipation or difficult bowel movements. To stimulate the stomach, you can increase your fiber intake by eating fruits and vegetables. Do it gradually to avoid fermentation and excessive gas production.

6. Lightweight Sports
Moderate exercise can also reduce the stress that can disrupt the balance of healthy intestinal and digestive systems. Try to exercise regularly, such as walking, running, or biking.

5 Romantic Place in the World

1.  Windmill eye of London
2.  Carriage Rides in Central Park, United States
3.  Cruise on the canals of Venice, Italy
4.  The streets of Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
5.  Enjoy panoramic views of the Empire State Building, USA
6.  Roving Paris, France
7.  Vacation on the beaches of Bali, Indonesia
8.  The summit of Mount Fuji, Japan
9.  While dancing Tango in Buenos Aires, Argentina
10 .Ride Air Balloon in Cappadocia, Turkey